How to outsmart the online shopper
You’ve heard the saying “if you can’t beat-em, join-em”. Well the same goes for the world of interior designing. I was giving an...

Design Using All Your Senses
Have you ever thought about how the five senses affect a room's design and function? Each of the five senses play an important role when...
Adventures with Houzz
Hey Friends! As we wrap up 2108 I'ts actually a new beginning for me. I've started writing as an advice columnist for Houzz answering...

Hunker Down and Hygge
Have you guys heard of the word Hygge? I kept seeing it everywhere and finally looked it up. First of all its pronounced "Hoo-ga". Hygge...

Do You Know the Best Way to Sign Interior Design Clients?
For most Interior Designers, it isn't finding interior design clients that's the problem, everyone wants to have a designers help. It's...