What Scares You?

It's that scary time of year again...ghosts, witches, and the thought that I
should be saving money for Christmas presents!
As we grow-up and experience life, our fears change as well. Most adults don't worry about monsters under their bed, (unless they've just watch a scary movie and then who would blame them?). They're scared of what the future looks like, are they making enough money, or how they can find someone to share their life with?
As I create my interior design business courses and work with designers, I often ask "what really scares you about starting your own interior design business?"
Obviously they have questions and fears that are holding them back from reaching real success. (Unfortunately most of us let our fears dictate our fate). 9 times out of 10, if I can help them get past their fears, the rest just seems to fall into place
So I ask you...What is it that scares you about being an interior designer?
Is it that you can't believe someone will actually pay you for their creativity?
Do you worry that you'll never find enough design clients to earn a real living?
Are you afraid that you'll put all of your energy into building a new career and you might fail at it?
I get all of these fears. I had every single one of them myself, but that was in the past.
I've been working in this world of design for so long, and have worked with literally hundreds of designers from around the world, and now I feel that I
CAN see the future.
I know how easy it is to build a SUCCESSFUL design business without spending much money, without having a huge list of clients, and without having to spend years and years waiting to have enough experience.
I know what your future could look like if you could just push past your fears, but if I'm going to help you overcome those fears, I have to know what they are.
Here's your chance. I really want to know what you want to know. Leave me a message here on this post and I will answer each and every question ASAP.
You don't have to worry, I'll hold your hand through the scary parts.