5 Reasons You Should Go to this Summers Interior Design Market
Are you going to Market?
In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, let me explain the 5 reasons that you should go.

All of these buildings are full of beautiful furniture!
Furniture manufacturers all over the world have spent billions of dollars, employed thousands of designers and trend forecasters, and probably even talked to a few psychics, trying to create a line of products that will be the next household trend.
So how do they get those amazing new products in front of the people who will decide which styles they’re going to sell to their customers? (Please don’t say the internet.)
Twice a year the majority of furniture manufacturers gather together in one agreed upon location and hold a free market. They invite retail bigwigs, furniture buyers, interior designers, and the press to come and see their new looks for the upcoming season, and place their orders for the upcoming year.. Think of it like New York fashion week for furniture.

See millions of accessories, lighting, seasonal decorations and so much more
High Point North Carolina used to be considered the only true market, and honestly they’re still the “Big Show”, but these days it’s not your only option.
Dallas has a smaller home market twice a year, I hear the Atlanta Gift and Home Show is great, and on the West Coast, the Las Vegas Market is the place to be.
Not all manufacturers are represented at each market, (so if you have a favorite vendor do your homework before you book your trip) and the specific dates vary but you can count on a Spring and a Fall market.

From Funky to Traditional, you're creativity will run wild.
You may be thinking, “as an independent interior designer, why would I bother going, I’ll just wait to see it at the stores?” and I used to agree with you.
Now that I’ve actually been to numerous events, I would strongly recommend that you make the pilgrimage to a market.
Here’s why…
#1 Most vendors are designer friendly: It used to be difficult to open wholesale accounts with big vendors without owning a large furniture store. Nowadays you only need to buy one piece from a line and you’ll get fantastic wholesale pricing.
#2 Product Knowledge is Important: The more familiar you are with the furniture and brands that you recommend, the more persuasive you’ll be when it comes to selling your designs. Your clients won’t always have the opportunity to see and feel the quality of the furniture you select. It’s much easier to earn their confidence in a piece when you’ve seen it for yourself, or at least have personal knowledge of the line.
#3 Swag!: One of my favorite parts of any market is the free stuff they give away. I’m not just talking about the catered buffets and bars in each showroom, (which is awesome and the reason my husband loves to attend) but you’ll want to grab the latest catalogs, price sheets, and finish samples from your favorite vendors. I’ve picked up full rings of wood, paint, and fabric samples that they usually only give to stores.

#4 Mingle with your people: If you love interior design, you’ll never feel more akin to a group of people anywhere. Imagine thousands of designers and furniture makers eager to share and talk about furniture!
Now is the time to ask questions, listen to knowledgeable seminar speakers, and simply chat with other interior designers about what works and what doesn’t right now in the industry.
#5 The Best Part of Market is the FUN!!!: This is one big party where everyone is celebrating design. Each night they have live entertainment, free drinks, and amazing food. I even saw a free Rick Springfield concert at High Point. It was awesome.

I’ll be attending this year's Las Vegas Market at the end of July with a group of designers and I can’t wait!
Personally I find the Las Vegas Market much easier to handle and maneuver because everything is located in one central location.
I can visit more vendors in a shorter amount of time, and they seem to pay attention to us little guys a bit more. Vegas is also much easier to fly into and the hotels are cheap.
If you’d be interested in joining us I would love it! check this out...